The REAL Secret to Wellness Success

The number one thing I get asked by everyone is “How do I heal my thyroid disease?”
Patients, friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers, want to know.
After asking this question, people expect me to recommend an herb, nutritional change, lifestyle factor or supplement. They are looking for a quick fix to their thyroid health issues.
Here’s the thing: There are no quick fixes for thyroid disease.

The answer to the question: “How do I get better?” Doesn’t start with me, or any doctor. It starts with you!

To succeed in your own wellness, there are four steps to your own health breakthrough. I’ve outlined them here in this article to make it straightforward.
I call these LIFE CHANGING principles The Four Steps Of Wellness Success.
Step one: Desire To Change
The first step in taking care of yourself is not finding a good doctor or eating the best food. It’s mindset. It’s YOU on your own, deciding once and for all that you have had ENOUGH of the thyroid symptoms. You are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. You know you have no energy, a sluggish metabolism, thinning hair, body pains, trouble sleeping and mood swings, and you are deciding to DO something about it.
Who wants to suffer forever with the same symptoms progressively getting worse? Not you! You have a DESIRE TO CHANGE and are on a mission to heal your body from the inside out. You’re ready to do what it takes, because you are smart enough to realize what you have been doing is not working.
You need to find information that will help you to heal your thyroid.
You have realized that in order to be the best partner, parent, friend, and coworker to others, you need to take care of yourself.
You can’t go on like this. So you won’t! You’re taking charge of your own wellness path and deciding you are going to find out what you need to do to see a difference in your health. You need to find information that will help you to heal your thyroid.
This leads right into the next principles.
Step Two: Education
Because you have realized that thyroid health is in your grasp, you have also realized that you need to obtain education on exactly what to do to heal your thyroid, get to the root cause, and finally kick those symptoms to the curb.
Education is necessary to achieve any lasting results in life, whether it’s health, business, family, or career related. That’s why so many books and articles are written on these topics!
Making the best decisions possible on your journey to heal your thyroid is easy with good education.
There are many things you can do to obtain education including reading thyroid related studies, nutrition journals, doctor’s articles, attending conferences and lectures, reading books, watching instructional videos, and working with a Naturopath specializing in Thyroid health.
Schoolhouse Rock said it best: “Knowledge is power!”
It really is. The more you know about HOW to heal your thyroid, the better informed you will be in your healing process. Making the best decisions possible on your journey to heal your thyroid is easy with good education. Understanding the science of WHY nutritional and lifestyle changes are necessary to heal your thyroid helps to give clarity when there are so many “sources” of information. Getting to the root causes of your thyroid disease is important to your personal healing journey.

Root causes can vary greatly but the thing all root causes have in common is they are the reason for your symptoms.

I utilize tools like DNA testing, inflammation testing, Nutrition journals and Wellness Assessments to find your specific root cause.
KNOWING what to do is one thing. Obtaining education from a credible source is vital. IMPLEMENTING what you learn is necessary for change.
Step Three: Implementation.
So you had a desire to heal your thyroid. You were sick of the thyroid symptoms stacking up. You were sick of feeling exhausted all the time, gaining weight, losing hair, all the menstrual problems and sick of having skin issues. That rollercoaster of emotions is NOT for you. That’s what you decided.
I utilize DNA Testing, inflammation testing, Nutrition Journals and wellness assessments to find your specific root cause.
So you got top of the line education from a reliable source.
Now you’re putting what you learned into practice. You are implementing what you learned and seeing RESULTS. You are watching your thyroid disease symptoms that you’ve had for YEARS disappear. You are feeling better, losing weight, getting more sleep, thinking clearly, and not an emotional basket case. You notice your hair growing in places it was so thin and your nails aren’t chipping like they used to.
You are the one that is implementing your protocol. You are the one eating the right nutrition. You are the one making the right changes in your life to see the right results.
You are the one shopping at the grocery store, preparing meals, and making positive decisions in your lifestyle to improve the health of your thyroid. These good changes you are making are improving the overall health of your body also. Everything is connected holistically, and you understand this. That is why you follow your protocol and implement the great education you received.

The better you feel, the more encouraged you are to keep following that burning desire to change you had which sparked your journey to heal your thyroid.

You knew the quality education you received would lead to you choosing to put your health first and implement the principles you learned in our time together.
You are the one that is implementing your Protocol. You are the one eating the right nutrition.
You are the one executing the steps you have learned during our time together.
You are the one showing up and making a difference in your own life, so you can show up in a healthy state of mind for those around you.
This brings me to step four of Wellness Success.
Step Four: Passing it on
You had the DESIRE to change.
So you invested in the best EDUCATION.
And you IMPLEMENTED that education to get results.
Now you are living free from thyroid disease symptoms because you wanted better for yourself, received life-changing information, and addressed your symptoms at the root.
What do you do when something so life changing happens? You tell someone!
Passing on the knowledge to the next generation is what has kept society going.
If your grandma has an amazing cookie recipe, she will pass it down to her daughter, and one day your mom will teach you how to make “Grandma’s Cookies”
As parents we pass down principles, morals and ethics to our children. Teaching my daughter to do the right thing in life is second nature.
That being said, if education that saved your life was made available to other people, do you think it could help them the way it helped you?
Passing on the knowledge to the next generation is what has kept society going.
Passing down the health to the next generation can be sharing what you learned in the kitchen and cooking healthy meals for family and friends. It can be sharing how you healed your thyroid with a co-worker and pointing them towards great resources. It can be making smoothies with your kids, getting them involved in healthy eating from an early age.
As individuals, families, and communities are made aware of their own body’s ability to heal, better choices are made, more desire is instilled, more knowledge is learned, and more of that health and wellness information is put into practice

You bring the desire.

I provide the education.

Together we Implement to see Results

You share the knowledge

These Four Steps Of Wellness Success will take you far and treat you well in your quest to heal your thyroid.
Ready to get started?
Begin today with your Initial Consultation and DNA Testing Package. Visit to order yours today!
Board Certified Traditional Naturopath Doctor


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